Curriculum Announcements: Semester Course Update Roadmap!
In June we announced that the Semester Course would be seeing some exciting changes. Read on to see the roadmap of what will be changing and when.
Semester Course Update Roadmap
Note: In case any of these changes or release dates don't match your timeline for planning your course, the old Semester Course will still be accessible in the Teacher Toolkit. You can access the Teacher Toolkit via the top navigation bar of or the link in your teacher account.
The new Semester Course will follow a slightly different sequence. Even though this new sequence was created with flow and scaffolding in mind, you will still be able to modify and use units in whatever order you need.
New Unit Sequence:
- Behavioral Economics
- Banking (formerly Checking and Saving units)
- Investing
- Types of Credit
- Managing Credit
- Paying for College
- Insurance
- Taxes
- Budgeting
- Consumer Skills
Release Schedule:
Each unit will be released over the next few months as part of one of three different blocks. Although the order in which units will be released is close to the new unit sequence, note that it is not exactly the same.
Block 1 Release: July 14, 2022
- Behavioral Economics
- Banking (formerly Checking and Saving units)
- Types of Credit
- Managing Credit
Block 2 Release: Mid-August
- Investing
- Paying for College
- Budgeting
Block 3 Release: Mid-September
- Insurance
- Taxes
- Consumer Skills
Virtual PD:
Still have questions? Get them answered with a virtual PD dedicated to the newly updated Semester Course units! Find out what these updates entail and what they mean for you and your students for the upcoming school year!
Semester Course Release! - Jul 14, 2022 @ 2:00 pm PT / 5:00 pm ET
We hope you are having a spectacular summer and we look forward to continuing our work to provide you with an equally amazing start to your next school year.
-The NGPF Curriculum Team
About the Author
Ryan Wood
Ryan is the Partnerships and Adoption Manager for Next Gen Personal Finance’s midwest region. He brings his experience as a former teacher, curriculum designer, and sales and marketing professional to state organizations and school districts in supporting the implementation of their personal financial education efforts. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and earned his teaching credential from Saint Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota. He proudly taught at two rural high schools in Wisconsin before transitioning to curriculum design at NGPF, and is now excited to be on the front lines in delivering the best possible financial education in the midwest. He and his wife have three beautiful daughters, each of which inspire him to share the impact of being sound financial stewards both at home and as lifelong learners.
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