Curriculum Announcements: Semester Course Update Block 2 Nearpods!
Newly updated Semester Course units, new Nearpods!
Last week we released the second block of newly updated Semester Course units. Once again, we’re excited to release the newly updated Nearpod decks for those same lessons! Head over to the Semester Course page to check out the new lessons and Nearpods for yourself.
What’s New in the Nearpods?
- New stylization and formatting
- Increased use and variety of Nearpod features
- Same updated content as all Semester Course updates
- Google Slide templates for editing are now provided as a link in Nearpod lessons and no longer accessible on the website
Tip: If you still need to access the old Semester Course units, including Nearpods, you can find it here (also accessible through the retired resources button found in your teacher account).
What If I'm a NGPF Nearpod License Grant Recipient?
If you are a NGPF Nearpod license grant recipient you will also be able to access NGPF’s new SC Nearpod lessons in the District Library of your Nearpod account.
When Will the Rest of the Units Be Released?
The Nearpods for each block of lessons are scheduled to be released about a week after the main lessons. You can find the details of each block’s release in the Semester Course update roadmap blog post.
Want to learn more about the Semester Course updates? Attend a live Virtual PD!
- See all upcoming Virtual PD
- What's New With NGPF's Semester Course? - Saturday 8/27 @ 12:50pm PT / 3:50pm ET
- Part of NGPF's Back-to-School Conference
- What's New With NGPF's Semester Course? - Wednesday 9/7 @ 4:00pm PT / 7:00pm ET
- What's New With NGPF's Semester Course? - Thursday 9/15 @ 1:00pm PT / 4:00pm ET
- Exploring & Customizing the NEW NGPF Nearpod Lessons - Thursday 9/15 @ 2:00pm PT / 5:00pm ET
About the Author
Ryan Wood
Ryan is the Partnerships and Adoption Manager for Next Gen Personal Finance’s midwest region. He brings his experience as a former teacher, curriculum designer, and sales and marketing professional to state organizations and school districts in supporting the implementation of their personal financial education efforts. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and earned his teaching credential from Saint Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota. He proudly taught at two rural high schools in Wisconsin before transitioning to curriculum design at NGPF, and is now excited to be on the front lines in delivering the best possible financial education in the midwest. He and his wife have three beautiful daughters, each of which inspire him to share the impact of being sound financial stewards both at home and as lifelong learners.
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